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Meet Sanne v S!

Hi I'm sanne!

Three years ago I started my fitness journey to get healthier, but I often felt frustrated and dissatisfied even after losing fifteen pounds. Realizing that my appearance did not automatically bring happiness was a turning point. I started focusing on appreciating my body and letting go of external beauty ideals.

The road to self-love was not easy, but ultimately brought me inner peace. I learned to respect my body, speak positively to myself and take good care of myself, both physically and mentally.

My mission is to encourage others to embrace their own beauty and strength. I believe that true fulfillment starts with love and acceptance for yourself. That's why I'm excited to be part of the IGOON community, where we inspire and support each other on our self-love journey.

Our bodies are amazing and perform miracles every day. It allows us to move, experience and embrace life. It is important to remember that our body is more than just its appearance. Body rolls, cellulite, or other natural features do not make us less fit or healthy. Fitness comes from taking care of our bodies, both physically and mentally, and embracing the unique characteristics that make us who we are.

To love yourself, start with self-acceptance. Speak kindly to yourself and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they are. Surround yourself with positive influences and take good care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Remember that self-love is an ongoing process, so be patient and kind to yourself as you grow.

Together we go on this self-love journey, inspiring and supporting each other. I love being part of this community and look forward to working on our self-love with you and my fellow IGOONIES.

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